Angular lazy loading retro: Module ➡ Component ➡ Deferrable View

Angular 17 released Deferrable Views🔥 While Angular docs excellently covers what Deferrable Views are and why they are beneficial, here I’d like to take a look back at module & component lazy loading and tie that together with deferrable views (a part of component’s template). Enterprise apps should be split into Feature modules The correlation …

Feeling Angular’s Renaissance

⚡Electrifying talk by Mark Thompson yesterday in front of NorthWest Chicago JavaScript🔥 Most of the JavaScript devs audience were not Angular fans. It was interesting to watch the audience converting from skeptics (still holding a grudge for Angular 2 migration) to believers🕊🙂 Deferrable views was a hit, more performant change detection with Signals, standalone components …

Project Graph in Nx

Introduction In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using the project graph tool provided by Nx to visualize applications and libraries in a monorepo. Enterprise applications consist of multiple apps and libs, which can quickly become complex and hard to navigate. The project graph feature in Nx comes to the rescue by …